
In-Person Worship in the Sanctuary

There are many opportunities for worship at NPPC on Sunday mornings. Our 9:00 a.m. worship service, The Circle, is an informal worship service held in our sanctuary that features acoustic music. Our Traditional worship service is held at 11:05 a.m. in the sanctuary and features music from our chancel choir and organist. This service will also be available to join virtually via livestream. We also hold an Education Hour between these worship services at 10:00 a.m. This is when our various Sunday School classes for adults, youth, and children meet. We hope you will join us!


Please remember that we provide a livestreamed service via Facebook and YouTube of our worship service on Sunday mornings. If this is your preferred worship, you are invited to be a part of our life together virtually. See below for details.

Our Worship Service is Livestreamed Every Sunday on Facebook and YouTube.


We welcome you to join us every Sunday at https://www.facebook.com/NewProvPres/ or https://www.youtube.com/@newprovpres1075 for our 11:05am worship service. Even if you are not a Facebook user, you can watch the service – or join on YouTube!   Click here for the service bulletin.


Click here to go to our Facebook page. Follow us to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Services Also Available on YouTube


If you want to re-watch or watch later, services are also available on our New Prov Pres YouTube Channel.

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Online Worship

February 2, 2025

Rev. Dr. Emily J. Anderson
Luke 4:21-30

If you are unable to attend in person, join us at 11 am on Facebook for this week’s livestream.
Or you can watch the service later. Either way, we look forward to seeing you!

January 26, 2025

Rev. Louden Young
“That’ll Preach”
Nehemiah 8; Luke 4:14-21

If you are unable to attend in person, join us at 11 am on Facebook for this week’s livestream.
Or you can watch the service later. Either way, we look forward to seeing you!

Go to our  Facebook page or our YouTube channel for the replay of previous services.

Sermon Recordings


Audio recordings of past sermons are all available via podcast, and can be found at https://newprovidencepres.org/feed/podcast.

Looking for Worship at Home with children?


Click here to go to the CHILDREN’S MINISTRY  page.

Read below for details about our regular worship schedule:

Traditional Worship Service at 11:05am

The traditional worship service affords us the opportunity to be led in musical worship by the Chancel Choir and our wonderful organ. The message, brought by our insightful professional staff, is the same in both services.

The Circle – Informal Service at 9am

The informal service, called “The Circle,” is held in the Sanctuary, and features special musical offerings, primarily acoustic. The same sermon (perhaps with some variation) will be delivered in both services. We are working on creative ways to make this service both interactive and intergenerational.

What to Expect – In Person Worship

Visiting a new church can be intimidating – what to wear, where to go, what about the kids?  Here are some frequently asked questions:


When are services?

Our worship services are at 9:00 a.m. and 11:05 a.m. in the Sanctuary. The 11:05 a.m. service is also available via livestream on Facebook and YouTube. Our 9:00 a.m. service is informal and primarily acoustic. Our 11:05 a.m. service is led by the Chancel Choir and the organ. Services typically last 60 minutes.


What should I wear? 

We are so happy you decided to join us and we want you to feel comfortable. We want you to be more focused on the service than what you’re wearing. In the summertime, it’s not uncommon to see people wearing sandals, shorts, and a shirt. Others prefer to still put on their “Sunday best,” and that’s fine too! We think you’ll fit in no matter how you dress.


How do I get to New Prov? 

Click here for map and directions to New Providence Presbyterian Church.


Where do my children go? 

During both services of worship, children of all ages are invited to the chancel steps for “Children’s Time.” Children up to four years of age may go downstairs following Children’s Time; children kindergarten age and older are invited to remain in the Sanctuary. Activity packets are available in the Narthex for elementary age children.  There are beepers available so Nursery workers can communicate with you during the worship service.  Of course, children are also welcome to remain in the worship service with you.


What if my children become restless during worship?

Please feel comfortable to exit the sanctuary at any time.  Outside the Sanctuary is our Atrium with comfortable chairs and access to a water fountain and restrooms.

What About the Kids?

Our goal is to provide a safe, creative, nurturing environment where children can experience God’s love and grow in their faith. At the beginning our our worship services, children sit with their family and friends. During the service, children of all ages are invited to the chancel steps for ‘Children’s Time.’ Children up to four years of age may go downstairs following Children’s Time; children kindergarten age and older are invited to remain in the Sanctuary. Activity packets are available in the Narthex for elementary age children.


During the educational hour (10am), age-appropriate lessons and activities for children ages birth through 12th grade combine Bible study, art, music, drama, service, and recreation. Childcare is available for the Sunday school hour for newborn through age 5 in the Preschool classrooms.


Pagers are available should children need their parents.


For more information on specific programs:

What Do People Love About NPPC?

Have questions or concerns? Want to talk to a pastor or staff member?