
There are no insignificant people and there are no insignificant gifts. Every gift, whether financial, of talent, or of time, is important to God and to New Providence.  With that in mind, we have several options for you to give of your gifts.

Giving to New Providence

Operating Budget

Giving to our operating budget is a gift to the ministries we support (Welcome Table, Bartlett Adult Day Out, Porch de Salomon, Habitat for Humanity, etc.).  Giving to our budget also provides a beautiful place to worship and a staff to lead our worship.  Giving to our budget supports a thriving education department for folks of all ages.  Giving to a budget is also the less than elegant fact that it turns on the lights, pays for the phones, and heats the Sanctuary on cold January mornings.

Here for Good
Building Fund

In 2006, we launched a capital campaign to address long overdue maintenance issues and create additional space. In the intervening years, we have invested ourselves in everything from the mundane (a new roof) to the spectacular (a beautiful community gathering space). There is still work to be done, but the first priority is to eliminate the lingering debt. Your gift to this capital campaign is extremely important because it will make an immediate impact. Let’s all do what we can. Not everyone can give a substantial amount, but every gift is significant.

Memorial Giving

Memorial giving is a great way to honor the life of someone who has died. NPPC has 3 funds that accept memorial gifts. The general  memorial fund allows donations to accumulate and fund request by ministry teams, with session approval, for needs not covered in the budget. Music memorials allow our music team to enhance our music ministry. Library memorials support an endowment to support and expand our library.

Automatic Giving

To participate in direct debit, fill out the authorization form, sign it, attach a voided check, and return it to the church office. Every month your planned giving is automatically deducted from your account and transferred to the church’s account. Do not return this completed form to your bank.

Another payment option is online banking – available from most banking institutions. Contact your bank to find out more information about this option and what financial information you’ll need from the church. You may also call or drop by the office should you need more information from us to get online banking set up.

If you have any questions, please contact our Business Administration office (983-0182 x108).

Growing in Faith Together

Pledge to NPPC

Sharing an estimate of your planned giving allows New Providence to plan our spending, ensuring that we live within our means. Our Giving Calculator will help you decide what you can pledge to the church. If your circumstances change (you experience a cut back at work, you get a huge raise, you come into an unexpected income, …), all you need to do to change your pledge is contact Margaret Hill, Business Administrator, (, 983-0182, ext. 108).

Your estimate is sent directly to our finance office and is kept confidential.

No Place like Home at New Providence Presbyterian Church

Giving Calculator

Note: Entries on this calculator are not sent anywhere and cannot be seen by anyone else.

Enter your household income information below and click "Calculate":


Our Household Income is: $ per

We current give $ per




Your Results:  You are currently giving % of your annual household income. 

A biblical tithe is 10%.  At first, for those not used to the idea of tithing, this amount may seem staggering.  The best way to begin is to adopt a lower percentage and then increase it over time. 

Once we establish a certain percentage (for example 3-5%) as our starting point, we can then increase it by one or two percent a year until we reach the tithe.  For example, based on the household income you entered above, if you contribute:

  • 1%:   Your weekly offertory will be $     ($ per year).
  • 3%:   Your weekly offertory will be $     ($ per year).
  • 5%:   Your weekly offertory will be $     ($ per year).
  • 10%: Your weekly offertory will be $     ($ per year).

From the beginning, however, we must adopt the idea that we give a percentage of our treasure; we cannot base it on impulse, giving "a little something" from what we "have left over." Instead, our offering should represent "the first fruits of our produce" offered out of gratitude and joy for what we have received because we feel the need to "honor the Lord with our substance," because we want to show our gratitude to God for the blessings of life we have received, and because we are called to take part in Christ's redeeming work in this world.

How Much Do You Intend to Give?:

Enter the percent that you intend to contribute and then click the "Calculate" button to see the results!

I intend contribute % of my household income.

Your Results: Your weekly offertory will be $ for a total of $ per year.



What they said about NPPC

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