NPPC currently offers five adult Sunday school classes which meet on Sunday morning at 10 a.m.
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Sunday School
Our goal is to provide a safe, creative, nurturing environment where children can experience God’s love and grow in their faith. Age-appropriate lessons and activities for children ages birth through fifth grade combine Bible study, art, music, drama, service, and recreation. Childcare is available through the preschool department for all church events. For more information on specific programs, contact Fairlena Googe, (, 983-0182 ext. 119), Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator, for more information.
Preschool (Birth – 5 years)
• Childcare is available for the Sunday school hour for newborn through age 2 in the Preschool classrooms.
• Bible lessons are offered during the Sunday school hour for children ages 2-5.
P.E.A.K. (4th-5th grades)
• P.E.A.K. (Presbyterians Educating Awesome Kids) is our Wednesday afternoon program for children three years old through 3rd grade. Participants experience the wonders of God’s world through music, art, recreation, Bible study, worship education, and mission. P.E.A.K. meets on Wednesday afternoons, August through May, from 3:15-5:15 p.m.
Cloud 9
• Sunday School Classes – Grades 4 & 5 meet in Room 217 on the third floor.
• Cloud 9 – Cloud 9 is a Wednesday afternoon study and fellowship group from student in fourth and fifth grades. It meets Wednesdays from 3:15 – 5:15 p.m. in Room 217 from August through May. Cloud 9’ers participate in a variety of Bible study, art, recreation and mission activities.
Elementary (K – 5th grade)
• Children in Worship
o Welcome to Worship – Welcome to Worship is an eight-week study for rising kindergartners and their parents to prepare families for the children’s full participation in worship. The class meets during the Sunday school hour, during the months of August and September.
o After completing Welcome to Worship, kindergartners and all older children are encouraged to remain in the sanctuary to worship with their church family.
o Activity packets are available outside the education wing door for children to use during the worship service.
• Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School
o The Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School is offered for children in kindergarten through 3rd grade from 10:00-11:00 a.m. each Sunday on the third floor of the education building. Based on Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, this model incorporates various learning styles to teach the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Workshops include Temple, Art, Music and Movement and Multimedia.
• Contact Fairlena Googe, (, 983-0182 ext. 119), Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator, for more information.
• Interested in Teaching?
o K-1st grade:
o 2nd – 3rd grade:
o Cloud 9 (4th & 5th grade):
Who are we Presbyterians? As far back as 1837 the General Assembly declared that the church, by its very nature, is a missionary society whose purpose is to share the love of God in Jesus Christ in word and deed and with all the world. Learn more about the history of the PC(USA) in this short summary of who we are and what makes us different.
If you have been visiting with us at New Providence and are thinking about joining or would just like to know more about us, please come to our next Inquirers’ class. Those who wish to join the church after completing the Inquirers’ class will be received by Session and introduced to the congregation.
During the class, you will learn about our church and will also have the opportunity to visit with our pastors, some of our members and other potential new members. We would appreciate hearing from you if you plan on attending. Please call the church office at 983-0182.
Inquirers’ classes are offered several times each year, last for four weeks and are held on Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel.
The Church exists for the glory of God and for service to humankind. As a part of our effort to reach out to our members and to the larger community in Christian love, our facilities are available to both members and non-members for worship, teaching, and witnessing to the Gospel and for activities that are in keeping with the mission of the church.